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LAS Explorer Features

Life is better in color

The editor in LAS Explorer colorizes the various elements of an LAS file differently. You'll see LAS files in a new light - and never want to go back to seeing them in black and white again.


LAS files are text files. So they're easy to read, right? Except after a few edits, columns don't line up, and the curves are numbered wrong. Now you can format an entire LAS file with one keystroke.

Validation and repair

Someone gave you an LAS file, but is it valid? Find out if it conforms to the standard 100%. Or maybe you just want to know if there is a data issue that will cause a problem when you go to use this file in another program. LAS Explorer will help you detect and fix errors.

Latitude and longitude

Edit and validate latitude and longitude coordinates. Reverse geocode to get location data. Plot the well on Google Maps, or a group of wells on Google Earth.

Import and export

Run the friendly import wizard to create a new LAS file from your CSV data. The export wizard will help you export it to Microsoft Excel, with numbers and dates formatted as such, and nulls as blank cells or values in red.

Multiple LAS files

You have a folder with hundreds of LAS files - what is in them? This is a killer feature, and why "Explorer" is in the product name. It's just like Windows File Explorer, but it knows all about LAS files.

Batch changes

You can perform a change across multiple LAS files, such as renaming a curve or parameter, setting a parameter value, or fixing the direction on latitude and longitude coordinates.


Press Shift+F7 to create a plot with one track for each curve, a super quick and easy way to get a visual feel of the data. Then change tracks to show multiple curves, add constants, shading regions (with lithology patterns), text, lines, images, and arrows. Export to a .PNG file for use anywhere.

Curves and data

Sometimes you just need to do some simple cleanup or conversions. You may be able to just do these in LAS Explorer, saving you time having to jump to another tool once you've validated and eyeballed your file. It's easy to reorder or remove curves, convert units, or change the NULL value.

Despike, resample, merge

Despike a curve visually using a plot. Resample a file to a different depth interval. Merge two files, resampling on the fly if needed.

Time based files

In LAS Explorer, time-based files are first class citizens. Time values must be in ISO 8601 format. If your file doesn't do that (a common problem), just use the date/time repair wizard to fix it up. Then use Quick Plots to see the data beautifully plotted on a time axis.

Ease of use

Users love LAS Explorer because it is so easy to use. The user interface is simple and intuitive. There are keyboard shortcuts for power users, but everything is in the menu. You will be productive immediately!